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Tortilla Class and Workshop: Eat Mexico’s new must-try activity!

Corn dough is of great importance in the Mexican diet, with it you can prepare various drinks and dishes for the enjoyment of the national and foreign palate.

We can use it as a base for tamales, tortillas and tostadas to then add other ingredients. However, none of this would be possible without one of the most important cooking methods in Mexican cuisine, nixtamalization.



Although it is believed that corn was domesticated 7,000 years before our era, nixtamalization did not emerge until 6,000 years later. This technique is not only very useful in cooking, but also brought with it various nutritional benefits such as a greater calcium content and better bioavailability of iron and vitamin B3.


The process

For nixtamalization is very important to start with dry corn kernels, which are rinsed with plenty of water to remove any impurities.


The corn is then cooked in a mixture of water and lime for 30 minutes or more, depending on the amount of grain. The lime is important to create an alkaline solution that allows the pericarp (the thin skin that covers each grain) to come off and the nutrients to be better assimilated.


It is important to let this mixture rest for at least 4 hours or up to a full night. Afterwards, the cooking water is removed and the corn is rinsed by rubbing the grains together to remove the pericarp or husk.


Once completely drained, it is ground in specialized mills or on a metate (a traditional tool made of volcanic rock) to create a soft and malleable dough that will serve as the base for the delicious tortillas.


Experiencing this process thoroughly and making your own dough to prepare tortillas is something unique. That is why Eat Mexico offers its new activity Tortilla Class and Workshop. We want to share with you a little piece of our roots and the importance of one of the star ingredients in Mexican cuisine, corn.


Whether you love cooking or have no prior knowledge, our knowledgeable team will guide you through every step of the way to achieve the best possible result.


Who is this activity for

Open to everyone who wants to learn about the nixtamalization process and how to make tortillas from scratch. You can come with your partner, friends and family, it is even an incredible option as an integration dynamic for work teams.


What you’ll do

During the Tortilla Class & Workshop you’ll learn about the importance and history of corn in Mexico, the nixtamalization process, and the method for making tortillas. You’ll apply the theoretical knowledge to make your own tortilla, and we’ll give you a quick lesson on how to use one of the most representative tools of Mexican cuisine, the metate. In addition, you’ll enjoy a refreshing corn-based agua fresca and you’ll be able to participate in the preparation of a delicious Mexican sauce.


​​Where it takes place

At one of our favorite coffee shops Catita Pan y Café  located in the Narvarte neighborhood, one of the safest residential areas in Mexico City.

We recommend

Arriving in comfortable clothes and with an open desire to learn. We suggest you consider participating in our Narvarte at Night: Tacos, Chelas and Mezcal tour  immediately after the workshop since it takes place a couple of blocks away.  We guarantee you will enjoy a delicious evening full of food, fun and lots of learning.

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